


1853            第一批傳教士抵達香港,要在中國傳教,66天後因太平天國之亂離開

1921.1.9       麥基奧大衛長老在北京奉獻中國成為傳教之地

1955.8.17     南遠東傳道部在香港成立

1956.6.2       第一批傳教士抵台

1956. 9.26     第一位歸信者金慕宗弟兄由美軍教友施洗

1958.7          台灣劃分為北區會和南區會

1959             邱秀平姊妹做了二個月傳教士,是台灣第一位女傳教士,也是第一位中國籍傳教士

1959.6.1        使徒彼得生馬可奉獻台灣為傳教之地

1959.7          袁慰東家庭是第一個全家受洗的家庭

1959             成立婦女會

1959.12         在台灣有8個分會(基隆,台北,新竹,苗栗,台中,嘉義,台南,高雄),傳教士45位,包括14位本地傳教士

1960.5.18-20  十二使徒議會助理興格萊戈登訪台

1960.7.18      使徒洪德豪惠訪台

1960.11.16     使徒彭蓀泰福訪台。

1961.4.23       興格萊戈登主領南台灣區教友大會

1961.11.15     向政府購得位於台北市金華街之土地

1962.2.2.       興格萊戈登訪台

1962.8           教會正式登記為財團法人

1962.11.23     興格萊戈登訪台,並去了高雄

1962.12.25     台灣特別教友大會

1963.7.31       興格萊戈登訪台

1963.11.2       興格萊戈登為台北金華街教堂破土,是在台灣興建的第一座教堂

1964.4.19       區會大會在信義路三段的國際學舍舉行,由興格萊戈登主領

1964.7.19       中文摩門經由胡唯一翻譯完成

1964.11.17      台灣組織了三個區會: 北區,中區及南區

1965.10.18      七十員會長團韓馬里安長老訪台

1965              開始建築高雄教堂

1965.12          中文摩門經出版

1966.10.16      金華街教堂由興格萊戈登奉獻

1967.4.18        總會副會長白朗壽訪台

1967.12.3        使徒韓馬里安訪台

1968.4            中文教義和聖約由車在田翻譯完成          

1968.5.19        使徒韓馬里安再度訪台

1968.11.13      使徒彭蓀泰福第二次訪問台北

1969.11.6        麥康基布司長老訪台

1969.11.11      南遠東傳道部更名為香港/台灣傳道部

1970.9.8         麥康基布司長老再度訪台

1971.1.1         台灣傳道部成立

1971.7.14        總會第一副會長李海樂訪台

1971.11.6        使徒艾希頓馬文訪台

1972              台灣發行中心成立

1973.7           福音進修班及神學研究所開辦

1974.7.4         使徒司道達長老訪台.

1975.3.11        使徒洪德豪惠訪台

1975.8.13        甘賓塞會長訪台,在國父紀念館舉行地區大會

1975.11.2        興格萊戈登會長訪台

1974.5            中文教義和聖約出版

1976.4.22        台北支聯會成立 - 台灣第一個支聯會

1976               中文無價珍珠出版

1976.7.1          台北傳道部劃分為台北傳道部及高雄傳道部

1978.5.11         彭蓀泰福會長第三度訪台

1979.7.1           台中傳道部成立- 台灣第三個傳道部

1979.8.7           新竹區會成立

1980.10.22        甘賓賽會長主領台灣地區大會

1981.11.6          高雄支聯會成立

1982.1.7           台中傳道部解散

1982.3.14          東台北支聯會成立,原台北支聯會改名西台北支聯會

1982.4.1           宣布興建台北聖殿

1982.8.26         台北聖殿破土 - 興格萊戈登會長主持

1983.10.23        高雄傳道部改名為台中傳道部

1984.9.16          使徒洪德豪惠主領地區大會

1984.11.17        興格萊會長奉獻台北聖殿

1984.11.18        張漪清蒙召擔任台灣第一位地區代表

1984.9.15-16     使徒洪德豪惠主領台灣地區大會

1987.2.15         劉春華蒙召擔任台灣地區代表

1988.2.            使徒鄔克司達林訪台

1988.4.16~17     使徒培勒羅素主領台北地區教友大會

1989.2.8           使徒鄔克司達林訪問台灣及中國

1989.4.3~8        家譜特展-國家圖書館

1989.9             使徒鄔克司達林訪問台灣

1989.11.20        亨利艾寧總主教訪台

1990.5.3           內政部長許水德造訪教會

1990.5.29         總會女青年會長卡普阿德絲姊妹訪台

1991.7.1          實施經費撥款制度

1992.3.21         梁世安弟兄被召喚為台灣地區代表

1992.9.30         總教友人數超過20,000人

1993.2.20~21    胡適令約瑟長老訪台

1993.5.30        桃園支聯會成立

1993.8.30        王偉成為第一位本地聖殿會長

1994.2.21~23    麥士維尼爾長老訪台

1994.2.27        高雄支聯會劃分為高雄支聯會及台南區會

1994.12.18      台中支聯會成立

1995.8            梁世安被召喚為區域當局人員 

1996.1.21        傳教40週年音樂爐邊會

1996.5.23        興格萊會長訪台特別大會

1996.10.28      總會婦女會會長傑克伊蓮,女青年第一副會長皮爾斯維吉妮亞姊妹訪台

1997.4.27       總會第二副會長傅士德雅各及使徒納爾遜羅素夫婦訪台

1997.6.15       台南支聯會成立

1997.7.27       屏東區會成立

1997.10.31~11.2  全省單成大會-曾文水庫、先驅者150週年

1998.5.24       中台北支聯會成立

1998.6.14       中興區會成立

1998.7.1        高雄傳道部重新開設.

1999.1.1        教會雜誌「聖徒之聲」更名為「利阿賀拿」

1999.9.21       九二一大地震

2000.2.14       台北就業資源中心成立

2000.2.29       晨間福音進修班在高雄開始

2000.7.7         洛杉磯第一屆台灣教友及返鄉傳教士重聚

2000.9.1~2      總會婦女會第二副會長簡森維吉妮與總會兒童會長曼洛柯琳訪台

2000.10.7       楊宗廷被召喚為區域七十員

2000.11.4,5,11,12  台灣地區領袖訓練大會

2001.1.12       教會中文名字變更為「耶穌基督後期聖徒教會」

2001.1.14       使徒多馬貝利訪台

2001.9.16       總主教團第二副主教麥克慕林訪台

2002.1.20       使徒鄔克司達林長老訪台

2002.11.23     全台灣支聯會/傳道部/區會會長團夫婦訓練

2003.3          五個支聯會中心動工 (台南3/15,高雄3/21,花蓮3/22,台中3/29,中興3/29)

2003.12.14     新竹支聯會成立

2004.2.20      柏頓大衛主教會晤馬英九市長

2004.6.20      中興支聯會成立

2005.8.1       興格萊會長來台奉獻台北行政大樓

2005.8.17~18 鄔克司達林長老訪問台南及高雄

2007.4.22      北台中支聯會成立

2007.9.3       新版中文三合一經文發行

2008.1.27     成立亞洲第一個單身成人分會

2008.4.27     使徒李察司考德長老訪台

2008.10       簡體中文三合一發行

2009.4.16-20 使徒大衛貝納長老訪台

2009.7.1      高雄傳道部關閉,併入台中傳道部

2010.2.28    高雄支聯會與屏東區會共同劃分為東高雄支聯會與西高雄支聯會。

2010.5.8~9   使徒陶德克里斯多長老訪台

2010.9.16    中文重要詞彙變更 (成員、慈助會、初級會、總會持有權柄人員、諮理等)

2010.7.11    迪特鄔希鐸會長訪台

2010.8.22~29 總會女青年會長伊蓮戴騰及初級會會長蘿絲瑪莉魏克森姊妹訪台

2011.5.27~29 使徒大衛貝納長老訪台

2011.8.2~27  總會男青年第二諮理亞德里安歐卓亞訪台

2011.8.26~28 總會主日學會長羅素奧古索普訪台

2012.10        總會大會中宣布男青年18歲、女青年19歲可傳教

2012.11.9     總會女青年第一諮理瑪莉柯克姊妹及慈助會第二諮理琳達瑞福斯姊妹訪台

2014.2.22~23 使徒傑佛瑞賀倫長老、總主教蓋瑞史蒂文生及七十員唐諾賀史東長老訪台

2014.11.30   南台北支聯會成立

2015.4.26     南台中支聯會成立,原北台中支聯會更名為西台中支聯會,原台中支聯會更名為東台中支聯會

2015.5.31     花蓮支聯會成立

2015.12.13   北台北支聯會成立

2015.12.20   北高雄支聯會成立,原東高雄支聯會更名為屏東支聯會

2016.6.26     嘉義支聯會成立

2019.5.22     十二使徒議會代理會長羅素培勒訪台並於台北支聯會中心舉行特別聚會

2019.6.2      西高雄支聯會、北高雄支聯會、屏東支聯會合併為南高雄支聯會與北高雄支聯會

2019.8.20-21  總會初級會會長 Joy D Jones與亞洲區域會長團Meurs拜訪台北及花蓮

2020.2.15    為防範新冠肺炎,台北聖殿暫時關閉

2020.3.15    亞洲區域會長團指示自本日起停止教堂中所有聚會及活動,主教授權後聖職弟兄可以在家中主理聖餐,家中沒有聖職弟兄之姊妹可由長老定額組指派兩位弟兄去主理聖餐,每月至少一次。支聯會可授權各支會舉行線上聖餐聚會。

2020.4.3      所有在台灣的外籍傳教士依總會指示返回自己的國家,此時也有將近70名在國外傳教的本地傳教士已返回台灣於隔離14天後繼續在台灣的兩個傳道部服務。

2020.5.18    台北聖殿恢復第一階段的開放,僅接受做過恩道門的夫妻印證,且須先預約。

2020.5.30    原返回美國的傳教士開始重新回到台灣。

2020.6.14    各支分會可恢復在教堂舉行聖餐聚會,但需遵守當地政府防疫規範。第二小時的聚會仍暫停舉行。

2021.10.3    先知羅素納爾遜會長宣布興建高雄聖殿

2023.11.25  高雄聖殿動土,由亞洲區域會長戴明哲長老主領

2024.7.1  台中傳道部遷至高雄鳥松教堂,更名為台灣高雄傳道部

2024.7.1  楊世寧被召喚為亞洲區域七十員

1956    The first group of missionaries arrived in Taiwan and began missionary work
1959 Elder Mark E. Petersen dedicated Taiwan for the preaching of the gospel
1964 The Chinese translation for the Book of Mormon was completed

1965 The first edition of the Chinese Book of Mormon was published

1968 The Chinese translation for the Doctrine & Covenants was complete
1971 The Taiwan Mission was established
1975 President Spencer W. Kimball visited Taiwan and presided over the regional


1975 The first edition of the Chinese Doctrine & Covenants was published
1976 The Taiwan Taipei Stake was established
1976 The first edition of the Chinese Pearl of Great Price was published
1980 President Spencer W. Kimball visited Taiwan and presided over the regional

1981 The Taiwan Kaohsiung Stake was established
1982 The Taiwan Taichung Mission was closed
1982 The Taiwan Taipei Stake was divided into the East Taipei Stake & West Taipei Stake
1983 The Kaohsiung Mission was moved to Taichung and was renamed as the Taichung

1984 The Taiwan Taipei Temple was dedicated
1984 Elder Howard W. Hunter visited Taiwan and presided over the regional conference
1988 Elder M. Russell Ballard visited Taiwan and presided over the regional conference

1990 The Part-Time Custodian System was implemented

1991 The Budget Allowance System was implemented

1993 Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin visited Taiwan and presided over the regional conference
1993 The HsinchuDistrict was divided into the Taoyuan District & Hsinchu District
1994 The Kaohsiung Stake was divided into the Kaohsiung Stake and Tainan District
1994 The Taichung Stake was established
1996 President Gordon B. Hinckley visited Taiwan and held a special conference
1997 President James E. Faust and Elder Russell M. Nelson visited Taiwan and 

              presided over the regional conference
1998    The Central Taipei Stake was created from part of the East & West Taipei Stake
1998 The Taichung Stake was divided into the Taichung Stake and the Chung Hsing 

1998 The Kaohsiung Mission was re-established
1999 The Church magazine, Voice of the Saints, was renamed as Liahona
2000 The CES Office in the south resumed operation
2000 The Employment Resource Center in Taipei began operation
2001 Part of the Church’s name in Chinese was changed from “the End of the World

              to “Latter-day”
2001 Elder L. Tom Perry visited Taiwan and presided over a special stake conference of

              the North District

2002 Elder Dallin H. Oaks visited Taiwan and presided over a stake conference

2003 SARS hit Taiwan. A sister died from caring for SARS patients

2004 Bishop Burton observed the construction of Church Building in Taipei

2005 President Hinckley dedicated the Church Building in Taipei
2006 Taiwan celebrated their 50th  anniversary Church mission work
2007 Elder Nelson re-organized the Taipei Taiwan Central Stake presidency
2008 Elder Scott presided over a special fireside in Taichung

         The 100th unit in Taiwan goes to the Mingchien branch

2009    Taiwan Kaohsiung Mission merged with Taiwan Taichung Mission
2009 Elder Bednar presided special devotionals in Kaohsiung, Taichung and Taipei

         Typhoon Morakot swept south of Taiwan badly
2010 President Utchdorf presided over a special conference in Taipei
2011    Elder Bednar trained the Church leaders in Taiwan
2012 Taiwan PA council visited Vice President Wu and congratulated on their re-election

2012.10. Young men can serve missions at age 18 and Youngwomen can serve missions at age of 19

2012.11.9. Mary Cook, 1st counselor of YW and Linda Reeves, 2nd counselor of RS, visit Taiwan
2013 The Church created a unit in Kinmen and rent a meetinghouse

2014.2.22~23 Elder Jeffrey Holland of the 12 Apostles, Bishop Gary Stevenson and Elder Donald Hallstrong visit Taiwan.

2014.11.30   TAIPEI South Stake is organized.

2015.4.26     Taichung South Stake is organized.  Taichung North Stake is renamed as Taichung West Stake.  Taichung Stake is renamed as Taichung East Stake.

2015.5.31     HuaLian Stake is organized.

2015.12.13   TAIPEI North Stake is organized.

2015.12.20   Kaohsiung North Stake is organized.  Kaohsiung East Stake is renamed as PingTung Stake.

2016.6.26     Chia Yi Stake is organized.

2019.5.22     Elder Russell Ballard, acting president of the Council of the Twelve, visit Taiwan.

2019.6.2      Kaohsiung East Stake, Kaohsiung North Stake and PingTung Stake are merged into Kaohsiung South Stake and Kaohsiung North Stake.

2019.8.20-21 General Primary President Joy D Jones and Elder Meurs of the Asia Area Presidency visited Taipei and Hua Lian

2020.2.15    Taipei Temple is temporarily closed due to Covid 19 epidemic.

2020.3.15   Asia Area Presidency instructed that all Church meetings and activities are put on hold.   When authorized by the bishop, priesthood holders could administer sacrament in their homes.  Eldes quorum will assigh two brothers to administer sacrament in families without priesthood holders at least once a month.  Stake presidencies could authorize units to hold online sacrament meetings.

2020.4.3     All foreigner missionaries returned to their own countries according to the instruction from Church headquarters.  At this time, about 70 local missionaries from Taiwan serving in other countries have already returned to Taiwan and will continue their mission in the two missions in Taiwan after 14 days of quarantine.

2020.5.18    Taipei Temple reopens for phase 1 operation.  Only living husband-and-wife sealing ordinances areto be performed for members who have been previously endowed.  Pre-appointment is necessary.

2020.5.30    Some American missionaries who returned earlier to US are returning to Taiwan.

2020.6.14    Sacrament meetings in the Church is authorized with proper precaution actions.  Other organizations meetings and activities are still not authorized.

2021.10.3    President Russell M. Nelson announced the building of Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple.

2023. 11.25  Kaohsiung Temple Ground Breaking, presided by Elder Benjamin Tai, Asia Area President

2024.7.1  Taiwan Taichung Mission moved to Kaohsiung NiaoSung meetinghouse, renamed as Taiwan Kaohsiung Mission

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